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What Is Dilation And Curettage

Dilation and Curettage: A Surgical Procedure to Remove Uterine Tissue

What is Dilation and Curettage?

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a surgical procedure to remove tissue from the lining of the uterus. It is often performed to diagnose and treat certain conditions, such as abnormal uterine bleeding, missed miscarriage, or retained placenta.

Procedure Details

A D&C is typically performed in a hospital or clinic setting under general or local anesthesia. The procedure involves dilating the cervix, which is the opening to the uterus, using a series of dilators. Once the cervix is dilated, a curette, which is a thin, spoon-shaped instrument, is inserted into the uterus to scrape away the lining.

The tissue removed during a D&C is sent to a laboratory for examination to determine the underlying cause of the abnormal bleeding or other symptoms.


Dilation and curettage is a safe and effective procedure for removing tissue from the uterus. It can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and is often performed to help address a variety of gynecological conditions. By understanding the nature and benefits of this procedure, individuals can work with their healthcare providers to make informed decisions about their own health and well-being.
