Amazon Prime Day 2024: Get Ready for Two Days of Exclusive Deals
Exclusive access to incredible deals
Mark your calendars for July 16-17, 2024, as Amazon's annual Prime Day sale returns. Exclusively for Prime members, Prime Day is two days of epic discounts on top brands. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to save big!
When to start saving
The 10th annual Prime Day event starts on July 16 at 12:01 am PDT and runs through July 17. Prime members will get exclusive access to millions of great deals throughout both days.
Don't miss out on Prime Day 2024
This year's Prime Day is set for July 16-17. The official start time is 12:01 am PDT. To take advantage of these exclusive savings, you'll need to be an Amazon Prime member. So, if you're not a member yet, sign up now to unlock access to Prime Day deals and other amazing benefits.